Object ordering
When multiple objects are detected, object ordering determines the order in which they should be picked. The following strategies are available:
Highest pick: Sort objects by their pick point location, from largest to smallest ROI frame Z-coordinate.
Lowest pick: The reverse order of ‘Highest pick’.
Highest object point: Sort objects by the highest detected point.
Lowest X: Sort objects by their pick point location, from smallest to largest ROI frame X-coordinate.
Highest X: The reverse order of ‘Lowest X’.
Lowest Y: Sort objects by their pick point location, from smallest to largest ROI frame Y-coordinate.
Highest Y: The reverse order of ‘Lowest Y’.
Largest product (Flex only): Objects are sorted from big to small volume or surface.
Pattern along the positive X-axis: See image below.
Pattern along the negative X-axis: See image below.
Pattern along the positive Y-axis: See image below.
Pattern along the negative Y-axis: See image below.
Highest matching score (Teach only): Sort objects with the highest model matching score first.
Top box first (Flex only): Sort objects with the highest product center first, but if multiple sides of a box are recognized, the largest side is prefered.
The pattern sort options are useful for depalletization or pallet loading applications. The picture below illustrates each option: