You are reading the documentation for an older Pickit release (2.3). Documentation for the latest release (3.4) can be found here.
Connecting the cables
Connect the power cable
The Pickit processor has a built-in power supply and needs to be connected to the power outlet with the provided cable. The Pickit processor will automatically boot once it’s powered.
The Pickit processor can be shut down by pressing the power button once. The power button is positioned behind the front lid. Powering it again can be done by pressing the same power button once.
In case the Pickit processor is on and there is a power failure, it will restart automatically when power is restored. Pickit will start with robot mode enabled.
Connect the camera
While the M and L cameras do not require a power supply, the M-HD camera does. The connection steps for both types of cameras are indicated below.
M or L camera
Connect the Pickit M or L camera with the 10 m USB cable (CBL-USB-CAM-10) that is provided with Pickit and plug it into the CAMERA labeled USB port at the back side of the Pickit processor.
When the Pickit camera is connected correctly, there will be a continuous green light on the front of the Pickit camera. This indicates that the Pickit camera is operational.
M-HD camera
Connect the power and data cables to the M-HD camera, in the corresponding connectors. Ensure that all connections are screwed tightly in. Plug the USB cable to the Pickit processor, in the CAMERA port. To power the camera, connect the power chord to the power supply, and plug the other end to a power outlet. The camera fan should immediately start spinning.
A USB hub is not allowed between the Pickit processor and any of the Pickit cameras.
When using the optical extension cables provided by Pickit, make sure that these are paired with the provided shorter, 0.5m, copper cable (blue).
Connect a computer
Interaction with Pickit is done by accessing its web interface from an external computer. This is required only during the setup and configuration of your application. Once Pickit is in Robot Mode, the connection with an external computer is no longer required.
There are two ways to connect your Pickit processor to a computer and access the web interface: You can connect the two systems directly with an Ethernet cable, or connect them through your network. You can use the provided gray/black 5 m UTP network cable (CBL-CAT6-GRAY-5 / CBL-CAT6-BLACK-5) for this. The following describes each alternative in detail.
Connecting a computer directly
This is the most common way to connect to Pickit. Connect a computer to the YOUR PC labeled RJ45 port on the Pickit processor. Your computer will be assigned an IP address by the Pickit processor. Once connected you can access the Pickit web interface by pointing a supported web browser to the following URL:
Connecting a computer using a network
Connect the Pickit processor to a network with the LAN labeled RJ45 port and connect it to your router or switch. An IP address will be assigned using the DHCP server of your network. You can now connect to the Pickit web interface by navigating to this IP address.
Alternatively, you can assign a fixed IP to the Pickit processor. For this, you first need to connect a computer directly to configure the fixed IP (see here for more details).
Connect the robot or machine controller
Using the provided green 5 m UTP network cable (CBL-CAT6-GREEN-5) connect your robot or machine controller with the ROBOT labeled RJ45 port at the back side of the Pickit processor.
Instructions on the network configuration can be found on the robot brand specific instruction pages:
This step is not necessary to already start testing the Pickit system.