Web interface
Interaction with Pickit is done through its web interface. Its simple and intuitive user experience lets you configure the system and monitor detections interactively. This article presents an overview of the Pickit web interface.
Connecting to the web interface
Follow these instructions on how to connect an external computer to your Pickit system. When successfully connected to the Pickit web interface, you should expect to see something similar to the image below:

If you cannot manage to successfully visualize the Pickit web interface, contact us at support@pickit3d.com.
The interface consists of three main components:
Top bar
The top bar of the Pickit web interface contains relevant status information and buttons that remain visible at all times.
The left part of the bar displays the Pickit logo and two lines with content:

Top line, from left to right:
The Pickit system name.
The Pickit version. By clicking on it, you can access the changelog of what’s new in each Pickit release.
The Pickit license type. By clicking on it, you can inspect the details of the installed license.
Bottom line: The currently active Pickit configuration. By clicking on either the Setup or Product file name, a separate window will pop up that allows you to change the active file or manage available files.
The right part of the bar displays the following contents:

A link to the online Pickit documentation.
The layout for toggling visualization of the main interface elements (viewer, objects table and configuration).
The status of the Pickit connection with the robot. An active robot communication is indicated by ✓, otherwise ∅.
The Settings button, which opens a page with user Settings.
The Snapshots button, which opens a page for snapshot management.
The Calibration button, which opens the page for performing robot-camera calibration.
The Enable Robot Mode button. When enabled, Pickit starts listening for incoming robot commands and prevents the user from modifying the Pickit configuration.
Right panel
This part of the web interface is where you specify your object detection configuration. There are different pages where you can define:
Setup: Where to look for objects.
Detection: What type of object to look for.
Picking: How to pick the detected objects.

Left panel
This part of the web interface displays the results of an object detection run both graphically (viewer, top) and numerically (objects table, bottom, left tab). These allow you to have both qualitative and quantitative feedback on the performance of object detection, and are powerful tools for inspecting and optimizing your application.
A record of informative Pickit events beyond detection results is also available in the logs (bottom, right tab).